th-9Tax This! An Insider’s Guide to Standing up to the IRS


Every year, millions of Americans run into problems dealing with the Internal Revenue Service. Written by former IRS Senior Trial attorney, Scott Estill, Tax This! An Insider’s Guide to Standing Up to the IRS, gives taxpayers the edge in dealing with the IRS by showing them how to fight the IRS and win!

This new and updated edition gives Americans the information and tools they need to tackle tax issues themselves and avoid hiring an expensive tax professional. A previous edition was rated one of the top five tax books by the Wall Street Journal! Tax This! contains tips on both business and personal tax issues.

Topics covered include:

* What does the IRS know about you and your business?
* The audit process: What are the odds?
* The IRS collection process
* Settlements: How to pay pennies on the dollar.

2012 Version. Fully updated.

Tax This! Reviews

(Reviews on Amazon)

Kathryn A Prince on July 29, 2013

The EA in our office recommended this book to all of our new employees that don’t really have that much experience in the tax resolution industry. After buying one, we realized what a great book this is and ordered like ten more for everyone to have, experience or not. Highly recommended to get a summarized version of how it all works.

Phil Murphy on November 26, 2015


Jonathan Decatorsmith, esq. on January 31, 2000

As a former IRS trial attorney, and current adjunct professor teaching federal income tax procedures at the graduate university level, I have made it my business to read most every book written about the Internal Revenue Service. With very few exceptions, these works are either strident, reactionary diatribes rooted in paranoid, conspiracy theory or dry, academic treatises devoid of any real insight into the inner workings of the IRS. Mr. Estill’s book is neither; rather,it is a refreshing departure that provides a realistic approach to dealing with the various problems that arise in our federal tax collection system. The book is eminently readable – useful for both the layperson wishing to tackle the bureaucracy him or herself, as well as the experienced practitioner who wants the insider’s perspective and some valuable strategies. Mr. Estill’s unique ability to explain complex processes with clarity, and his pragmatic advice for negotiating the pitfalls inherent in each of the IRS functional divisions, makes this an important addition to the field, and mandatory reading for anyone with more than a passing interest in the way our country administers tax collection.

Robert J. Nagel on April 27, 2003

If you’re faced with an encounter with the IRS, I would highly recommend getting this book for starters. Most tax experts will tend to steer you in one of two directions: knuckle under or fight the IRS up to and including jail time (for you, not the expert.) You need to understand what your options are before you seek outside help because all too often the outside help has an agenda that is not in your best interests.

This book does an outstanding job of laying out realistic stategies and options for helping you with tax issues and for working with, rather than against, the IRS to obtain the best possible outcome. It offers a refreshing change in the tax literature. By offering well-grounded, honest advice in a well-written fashion, this book should be in the hands of anyone seeking to resolve a tax problem without “giving away the farm” to the IRS.
Learn what your options are and how best to work with the IRS and you’ll save yourself a lot of grief and a lot of green.

asdfjkl; on February 29, 2000

I found this book to be very helpful for those who are in trouble with the IRS. As a tax professional, I often am contacted by clients who receive IRS notices. Most of these cases are pretty simple matters, and could be resolved without my involvement, if only the client new a little more about the IRS, as wasn’t so intimidated by them. This book helps chart a course of action to take when dealing with the Service, and shows the average taxpayer that dealing with the IRS does not have to be the nightmare that most people think it is. I highly recommend this book.

Michael Day on April 28, 2003

“Tax This” is a great resource for individuals, small businesses, and self-employed persons, like myself. From the general IRS and tax system information to the rules for dealing with an actual IRS audit, this book has all the information you’ll need. The section on how to handle IRS Penalties and Notices and the the chapters on negotiating with the IRS were very informative and designed to save money. If you are currently involved in an IRS audit and want to know how to defend yorself or if you simply want to know some strategies for reducing your odds of being selected for an IRS audit this book is for you. I would recommend it for any taxpayer.

Wilson Schwager on March 13, 2000

Tax This! An Insider’s Guide to Standing Up to the IRS, is just that. It provides the insight of an insider that will help you stand up to the IRS in any situation. Little known facts and difficult to conceive strategies are revealed that will help any target of the IRS deal effectively with them or help prevent you from becoming their target. Author Scott Estill discloses all the rights, which are many, that citizens have when confronted with a problem involving the IRS. He gives an insider’s look at the culture, attitudes, and seemingly out of control bureaucracy that prevails inside the IRS and prepares you to deal with the IRS at that level also. His information is backed up by references to the Internal Revenue Code, Congressional Law, and established judicial decisions. Tax This also provides clear examples of completed IRS forms, which are many and varied. Overall, this is an informative, easy read for someone like me with little knowledge of the IRS. It will hold your interest even if the IRS isn’t breathing down your neck and may be invaluable if they are.

Gerri Detweiler on September 18, 2005

This is good, solid advice for dealing with the IRS. The authors credentials make it very valuable because he comes from the “other side” and can tell taxpayers how the IRS really works. He truly is an “insider.”

His book is not a lot of hype on tricky loopholes, but very solid advice for dealing with what can be a very frightening situation. I’ve interviewed Scott for my Internet radio show, EverydayWealth Radio, and found him to be a very conscientious caring resource for dealing with tax issues. I recommend this book and his other resources!

Ruby Don November 16, 2009

For me, I wanted ways to fight the bullying, too powerful ways of the IRS, not to make buddies with them and spend more time and effort trying to please them. The IRS has for way too many years gone above and beyond, even our judicial systems legal authority, to purposely put more and more people in bondage and fear. They need to be dealt with, not pampered. For those who choose to let the IRS continue to rob the American people and try to be most cooperative with them, I would guess this may be the book you are looking for. Unfortunately it was a waste of the little money I have, as the IRS is taking nearly $300 a month from my Soc Sec disability checks & my power has been turned off twice due to the fact that I cannot make it with them taking this kind of money. Also can no longer properly afford my prescriptions. Letters to them are pretty much ignored. If you cannot afford a lawyer-they do whatever they want to to you.

Brian J. Rileyon April 24, 2003

Tax This is an awesome book to help all of us average people know what rights we have when it comes to the IRS. After reading this book, I feel confident as to what rights I have and what I can do to protect myself in dealings with the IRS. The book is written in clear and concise way, so even I, who have little background in tax law, and understand. I was immediately able to put this information to use in my life. I also did a little checking and found a website that offers another of Scott’s products–which I ordered and learned a tremendous amount from about how to begin lowering my tax liability starting TODAY! Go to [local website]and check it out! I highly recommend this book. Scott knows what he is talking about and he is able to communicate it very simply.

Doris Martinezon February 25, 2000

Tax This is a valuable tool for taxpayers, whether or not they handle their own cases. It takes the fear out of dealing with the IRS, always a scary proposition at the outset. Scott Estill has included insights and “tricks of the trade” which taxpayers and practitioners alike will find useful. This is much easier to read then other “How to deal with the IRS” books. As a colleague and fellow dragon slayer, Tax This! is now part of my “must have” tax library. Doris L. Martinez, Enrolled Agent and former IRS Revenue Agent

SirRealon November 14, 2009

I was preparing to go through an IRS audit when I bought this book which I imagine is the point when most people would buy such a book. I was hoping it would have more on documentation strategy for the audit and how to pick and manage a tax professional representing you. Other than that, it had all of the bases covered and is written in a way that is easy for the layperson to understand. I had an Enrolled Agent representing my case, assigned to me by my TurboTax audit insurance and I got a few minor tips from the book that helped me in managing that relationship, but I would have liked more in that area. If you go by the bottom line, it’s a great book, as the IRS didn’t collect a penny from the audit, but in my case the book was mainly useful for a side tip here and there, but nothing I learned that really affected my game plan, but then I had a pro representing me. Had I been representing myself the book would have been more valuable. The book has a lot for the egregious taxpayer – the one who doesn’t file, the one who’s thinking about bankruptcy, the one who’s maybe up for criminal fraud — I thought too much in balance, but that’s because I wasn’t in those groups. I’m quibbling. It’s a very good book written by someone who knows his stuff and writes about a complex topic in an understandable way and it reassured me that I knew more about the subject than I thought I did.

Tax Accountant on June 22, 2009

Even pros should read this.This is like a how-to manual on how to stand up to the IRS. The author has obvious experience with the IRS, which often employs heavy-handed tactics with taxpayers and tax professionals alike. Sometimes the only option is tax court, but the IRS has even made this harder for all of us. This is a great resource–the information is timely, and there is a very lengthy explanation of the examination division, which is where most audits begin and end.

Bill Kon March 3, 2008

Tax This! is an extraordinarily valuable book. It is well written and filled with informative information for all taxpayers. Nothing short of brilliant, this book provides an exceptional roadmap to dealings with the IRS.

Gary M. Solomonsonon January 30, 2007

This is an excellent resource. Shipped quickly and in great condition!!! Thank you.